ACP250 : Auto Cutter Cold Press
Auto Cutter Cold Press : ACP250
This press is designed to make cutter cold pressing full automatic way including shank loading, cold pressed blade unloading, powder feeding, pressing, and etc.
Full Auto Cutter Cold Press Machine
Shank Feed by Pneumtic Cylinder and unloading pressed cutter in the same time
Raaw Powder supply in automatic way
Volumetric Powder Feeding
Belt Converyer move pressed Cutter
Volumetric filling with non-granulated powder with high productivity
Very fast Hydraaulic Movement increase productivity.
This technical data may be used only for guideline of production. DIEX Corp. will reserve the right to introduce any technical modification to its own machines, also in contract acquired, which its irrevocable decision are improvements. Therefore, any datum given on the catalogues & and data sheet has only indicative value.
Advanced Machines & Equipment for Diamond Tools
DIEX CORP. / / T. +82 70-8877-4563 / F. +82 2-6442-3804